Leigh Savage Media
Erotica Speaks Movement
Leigh Savage's #EroticaSpeaks campaign is here to represent the Erotica authors', models, artist, photographers, anyone who creates erotic art. By creating a community to empower, educate, and offer support for each other. Let's remove the stigma of Erotica and show the world that Erotica can be empowering is not something to be shameful of. #EroticaSpeaks also tries to educate and remove the stigma of BDSM community by creating a safe space for people to share personal experiences with the goal of helping people that are new to BDSM learn proper techniques for safety purposes. The goal is to eventually create a youtube/blog talk show that would include interviews from all kinds of people who contribute to the Erotic Community.
You can help us achieve our goals by donating to PayPal just click on the support button below so that we can use the funds to help create the content needed to kick off the Movement of #EroticaSpeaks.